Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of April 12, 2021

***Monday, April 12, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Co- Superintendents Renee Nelson and Randy Morris joined the meeting to give the department report. A written report was provided.

Mr. Morris said a lot of roads were opened last week and more roads should be opening by the end of this week. Road and Bridge starting cleaning ditches on Lookout View Road and Pleasant Valley Loop this morning. The Durapatcher will be used once it warms up a little more. Mr. Morris said brooming has been going on so Road and Bridge should be done with that sometime this week.

Those present discussed the limit for hours associated with grader use as it pertains to leases. Ms. Nelson listed the new lease payment coming up that is less than the current payment had been and there are increased hours allowed for this new grader.

Ms. Nelson said she feels the Three Mile Water District utility permit issue is getting squared away. This pertains to water off of Roosevelt Road for the Dayton and Judy Skrivseth subdivision.

Ms. Nelson mentioned that Road and Bridge will need to hold their annual crusher training before starting to use the crusher.

Commissioner Bertling asked Mr. Morris and Ms. Nelson why the county got away from using a Road and Bridge mechanic for other county departments’ mechanical needs. Mr. Morris said he recalled there being an issue as far as what was considered a priority. Those present discussed that the landfill is looking for a new mechanic.

Chairman Dinning questioned if there is a need to increase the addressing coordinator’s hours.

The meeting with Ms. Nelson and Mr. Morris ended at 9:31 a.m.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Chloe Issa and Randi Stoffels. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to continue Commissioners’ meeting with County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull until today at 2:00 p.m.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to adopt Resolution 2021-14. A resolution authorizing the sale of surplus county property at public auction. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2021-14 reads as follows:
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Property at Public Auction

WHEREAS, Boundary County owns surplus personal property, which is not being used by the County and for which the County is presently obliged to provide storage space, and which the various department heads and the Board of Boundary County Commissioners have determined is not necessary for the County’s use; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Boundary County Commissioners are authorized under Idaho Code Section 31-808 to sell or offer for sale at public auction, after not less than ten days’ previous notice given by publication in a newspaper of the county, any property, real or personal, belonging to the County but not necessary for its use; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Boundary County Commissioners believes it is in the best interest of the County that the surplus property described as in “Attachment A” be sold and therefore desire to sell the property so described at public auction as provided in Idaho Code Section 31-808.

NOW, THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it is

RESOLVED that, after publication of notice in the Bonners Ferry Herald in the manner and for the time required by Idaho Code, the personal property of Boundary County described as in “Attachment A” be offered for sale at public auction at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, in the indoor arena at the Boundary County Fairgrounds located at 6567 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

DATED this 12th day of April, 2021.
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
Wally Cossairt, Commissioner
Tim Bertling, Commissioner
Glenda Poston
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #286447


Plastic Tupperware Totes Tables
Exercise Equipment Heaters
Fans Microwaves
Kayak Printers
Fishing Pole Gear Computers
Book Shelves Monitors
Chairs Ink and Toners
Bikes Nail Guns
Power Tools Televisions
Antlers Shelving
Food Trays Bows and Arrows
Pressure Cooker Small Cutting Torch
Lights Speakers
Chainsaws Tires
Light Bars Fencing
Pop Up Canopy 5 Yard Ford Dump Truck
Weed Trimmers Chevrolet S-10 Pickup
Kitchen Cabinets Sheriff’s Cruiser
Desks Commercial Sewing Machine
Truck Tool Box Motorcycle
Refrigerator Generator
File Cabinets

Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows:

Current Expense $ 73,019.91
Road & Bridge 144,938.49
Airport 4,207.53
District Court 10,518.75
Justice Fund 48,842.66
911 Funds 4,836.31
Health District 13,826.75
Indigent & Charity 17,176.59
Junior College Tuition 15,750.00
Parks and Recreation 2,453.71
Reval 35,081.46
Solid Waste 29,748.30
Veterans Memorial 1,808.17
Weeds 283.11
Restorium 24,891.13
Waterways 1,148.76
Grant, Airport 7,382.13

TOTAL $435,913.76
Auditor’s Trust - *Misc 1,709.26
Boundary Co. Drug Court Trust 221.59
Driver’s License Trust 10,366.00
Indigent Reimbursements 5,040.00
Motor Vehicle Trust 53,722.56
Sheriff’s Trust Fund 811.95
Odyssey Court Trust Account 39,241.42
Odyssey Bond Trust Account 7,509.25
Odyssey Restitution Trust Acct 2,687.87

TOTAL $121,309.90

GRAND TOTAL $557,223.66

Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners’ allowance & warrant register record 2020-2021).

Commissioner Cossairt moved to reappoint Glenda Poston to the Boundary County Fair Board with a term to expire January 2025. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties until their next meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Chairman Dinning left the meeting due to a conflict of interest as it pertains to the discussion of removing trees on Tamarack Drive.

10:30 a.m., Doug Ladely Sr. and Matt Philbrook joined the meeting to discuss removing trees on Tamarack Road. Property owner Brian Dinning participated in the meeting via conference call. Mr. Philbrook said there is a birch tree on county property and he would like to take it down as it causes drainage issues. Mr. Philbrook added that there are two other trees located on his own property that he would also like to remove. The reason to take down the birch tree is that it creates a storm water issue and it causes water to flow to Mr. Ladely’s house. The culvert is full of debris right now. Mr. Philbrook said in the winter the snow that comes from the trailer court plugs up the culvert so it can’t drain and it flows to his parking lot. Mr. Philbrook said he would take the birch tree out and replace the culvert, unless the county would want to volunteer to replace it. Commissioner Bertling said if a person were to have this work done, they will need to have a certificate of liability insurance policy in the amount $1,000.000.00. Commissioner Bertling said he doesn’t know how big of a project this is. Mr. Philbrook said it’s just removing that one birch tree and he added that originally he was going to remove all three of the big tamarack trees, but he might not do that after all.

Mr. Philbrook commented that he wants to ask Mr. Dinning for a 30 foot easement on Mr. Dinning’s property for his apartment complex dumpsters. Commissioner Cossairt said for clarification that all Mr. Philbrook is interested in now is just removing the one birch tree. Mr. Ladely said he doesn’t have a problem with Mr. Philbrook taking down that birch tree. Mr. Ladely added that he’s here because he thought Mr. Philbrook wanted to take the tamarack trees out and they’re only good for fire wood. Mr. Dinning said if the easement is between his east property line and the end of the access point, he has no problem having the trees removed from there as it is to become a driveway for him in a few years. Mr. Philbrook said he will get Mr. Dinning’s phone number to discuss that further. Mr. Philbrook said two of the larch trees are on his own property and the third larch may be on Mr. Dinning’s property, but he would have to go back and look at the property pins. The birch tree is definitely an issue so he would like to take a small excavator to have the tree removed or have the county remove it. Mr. Philbrook mentioned the culvert and those present questioned if that culvert was installed by the county. Commissioners had no problem with Mr. Philbrook removing the birch tree.

Commissioner Bertling moved to allow Matt Philbrook to remove the birch tree on Tamarack Road that blocks the culvert. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Cossairt said the county is not going to replace the culvert.

The meeting with Mr. Ladely Sr., Mr. Philbrook and Mr. Dinning ended at 10:39 a.m.

10:48 a.m., Chairman Dinning returned to the meeting.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign the 2021 Arbor Day Proclamation and Grant Award for the Boundary County Fair Board. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

11:30 a.m., Treasurer Sue Larson joined the meeting.
Those present reviewed Treasurer Larson’s quarterly report of county accounts.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to approve the following banks for housing county funds: Potlatch 1 Federal Credit Union, Columbia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, and Mountain West Bank. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Those present discussed federal funding.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to accept the Boundary County Account report dated Mach 31, 2021. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Larson questioned if there would be an issue in allowing another county treasurer to share in driving Boundary County’s vehicle to a county treasurer conference. Commissioners didn’t have an issue with that.

Treasurer Larson left the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

Commissioners recessed for lunch 12:10 p.m.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen joined the meeting.

Jerry Higgs joined the meeting.

Mr. Skeen questioned the status of hiring an operator/mechanic position for the landfill. Commissioner Bertling questioned why the county is not utilizing Road and Bridge Department mechanics. Mr. Skeen commented on potential issues in determining which job would be priority. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners are considering trying out that process again. Chairman Dinning mentioned that Road and Bridge has three mechanics so with the mechanic usage Mr. Skeen reported using at the last meeting, Commissioners were thinking a mechanic would be able to spend time working on landfill equipment. Mr. Skeen said the departments do get along, but if Solid Waste has equipment with a transmission down, Road and Bridge also has their own department’s equipment they’re fixing as soon as they can. Chairman Dinning said there has been no concrete decision made yet. Mr. Skeen said he has no problem reimbursing Road and Bridge if their mechanic worked on landfill equipment; it’s just a matter of if something breaks down, it needs to be fixed. Chairman Dinning said so it’s a timing issue.

Mr. Skeen spoke of getting the ball rolling again on the Landfill Operation Plan.

Chairman Dinning said once the Landfill Operation Plan is approved, the county will have the closure/post closure study done. Mr. Skeen commented on wanting to transfer this work from JUB Engineering to Ellery Howard.

Mr. Higgs left the meeting.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Bertling second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Cossairt “aye” and Commissioner Bertling “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 1:42 p.m. No action was taken.

Mr. Skeen left the meeting at 1:42 p.m.

Mr. Higgs returned to the meeting to inform Commissioners of an issue involving the Boundary County Library. Chairman Dinning clarified that the county has nothing to do with the library, other than collecting taxes for them; just like is done for other taxing districts. Mr. Higgs said it’s just a courtesy as a lot of times other municipalities will let other entities know if they’re operating in choppy waters. Commissioner Bertling said the library is another entity.

Mr. Higgs left the meeting at 1:44 p.m.

Commissioner Cossairt moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Noah Walker, Zachary Callos and Ambur Robbins. Commissioner Bertling second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

2:00 p.m., County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull contacted Commissioners via telephone.

Chairman Dinning informed Attorney Hull that he is unable to determine who has the easements for the parking lot used by North Idaho College. Attorney Hull said to just use a description for the parking area the county would like to use and he added that he can draft an easement and print out an overhead view to identify the parking area. County Mapper Olivia Drake will try to print out the overhead.

Chairman Dinning said as it pertains to establishing a fee for the flood plain permits, can Commissioners do that on an emergency basis followed by holding a public hearing. Chairman Dinning said there is an application for a bridge to an island in the river and the county doesn’t have anything in place for that. It was decided to continue this conversation to tomorrow when Planning and Zoning Administrator Clare Marley is present. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners need to determine what the quickest thing is to do to help make Ms. Marley’s work easier; adopting a zone map is one thing. Attorney Hull said the second thing is looking at a date or time period that Commissioners can foreclose looking back to determine whether a parcel was legally developed or not.

Commissioners updated Attorney Hull on having contacted Waste Management and asking them to come up to visit the county’s landfill in two or three weeks.

The call to Attorney Hull ended.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

There being no further business, the meetings recessed until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.

***Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

10:00 a.m., Commissioners held a workshop with County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull, Planning and Zoning Administrator Clare Marley and County Mapper Olivia Drake for the purpose of reviewing various Planning and Zoning matters. Those present reviewed the zoning map, various zone amendments, and ordinance amendments, etc.

Ms. Drake left the meeting at 10:33 a.m.

Those present continued their review of various land use ordinances, etc.

The workshop ended at 11:50 a.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 10:45
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