Non-Profit Property Tax Exemptions

Certain Religious, Charitable, or Educational organizations may be eligible for a property tax exemption.

Applications are to be made to the Boundary County Board of Commissioners. Exemptions typically do not carry over from year to year, so organizations must apply each year unless otherwise shown in Idaho Code.

Applications must be submitted by April 15th of each year to be considered.

It is the applicant's responsibility to determine which section of Idaho Code applies to their organization's request for exemption.

Long-form applications are required for first-time applicants, or as requested. The long-form applications require attaching certain documents such as articles of incorporation and bylaws and/or financial statements and other documentation along with appropriate worksheets.

Short-form applications may be submitted in following years, as determined by the Board.

*Long-Form Application
*Short-Form Application (After initial long-form approval)

*Worksheet 63-602b
*Worksheet 63-602c
*Worksheet 63-602e
*Worksheet 63-602GG

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