All times are tentative unless identified as a specific appointment or public hearing & the Board will address items on the agenda as they are completed, which may either shorten or lengthen the times for which items are addressed on the agenda. Claims Review & Approval, Indigent Matters and Junior College Tuition Forms will be discussed & approved and Resolutions will be adopted as time allows.
Monday, October 28, 2019
9:00 a.m.: Road and Bridge Department report. Motion to approve recommendation of road naming committee select Queen View Road associated UP project. ACTION ITEMS.
9:30 a.m.: County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull – Update on various matters. Discussion/possible motion regarding moratorium on urban subdivisions pursuant to Idaho Code 67-6523. Motion to sign County Annual Juvenile Justice Report to the Idaho Dept. of Juvenile Corrections. Motion to sign Grant Agreement for the Idaho Airport Aid Program State Fiscal Year 2020 and adopt associated resolution. Motion to sign Independent Contractor Agreement with NW Paint & Pre-stain. Motion to appoint Andrew O’Neel as point of contact for Emergency Management related grants. Motion to sign Certificates of Residency. Motion to sign Commissioner meeting minutes. Cancel/extend various taxes. Motion to sign Agreement with IDL for Section 16. Motion to sign Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement pertaining to the Xmas Hills property. Motion to sign Voluntary Maintenance Agreement with 9B Trails. ACTION ITEMS.
10:00 a.m.: Motion to approve County Alcoholic Beverage License for Dirk & Kim Van Der Kolk doing business as Tavern in the Lodge. ACTION ITEM. Indigent matter. ACTION ITEM.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
DISCUSSION MAY INCLUDE ANY OTHER TOPICS THAT HAVE BEEN COVERED IN THE PAST Anyone requiring special accommodation due to disability should contact Boundary County Commissioners’ office at (208) 267-7723 at least two days prior to the meetings.