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Kootenai River Run
5 K and 10 K
Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Sanctioned by USA Track & Field
Click here for 2013 entry form
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:00 AM
Course: 5k (3.1 miles) and 10k (6.2 miles) brings you in and around the city of Bonners Ferry. Both courses start and finish at the fairgrounds, just 4 blocks west of town.
All position vacancies occurring within Boundary County are typically posted in-house for three working days before being opened to the general public through the Bonners Ferry Job Service. Current county employees may pick up applications during the in-house posting period at the Personnel Office. Once the position vacancy notice has been posted with the Job Service. The Job Service can be reached at (208) 263-7544 ext. 3314. They can also be reached by e-mail:
Effective January 1, 2006, all building contractors and subcontractors in Idaho must register with the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. Under new Idaho statutes, any person who improves, alters or repairs a building or structure with a dollar amount exceeding $2,000, materials and labor, unless otherwise exempt.
Data by permission, Western Regional Climate Center