Commissioners' Meeting Agenda - Week of June 24, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 08:30 to Friday, June 28, 2024 - 08:30

All times are tentative unless identified as a specific appointment or public hearing & the Board will address items on the agenda as they are completed, which may either shorten or lengthen the times for which items are addressed on the agenda. Claims Review & Approval, Indigent Matters and Junior College Tuition Forms will be discussed & approved and Resolutions will be adopted as time allows. Commissioners’ meetings are held in their chambers, Room 28, in the Boundary County Courthouse, unless otherwise stated. For Commissioners’ meetings that are held at the County Annex Conference Room, that address is 6566 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Monday, June 24, 2024

9:00 a.m.: Discussion regarding contracting with Stan Kraly for tub grinder services at the landfill. Possible motion to sign Independent Contactor Agreement with Stan Kraly. ACTION ITEM.
9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.: County Civil Attorney Bill Wilson – Motion to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student. Update on various matters. Motion to sign Certificates of Residency. Motion to sign Commissioner meeting minutes. Cancel/extend various taxes. Motion to sign New Private Road Name Request Forms. Discussion/motion regarding ARPA, ARPA projects and possible motion to adopt ARPA resolutions. Motion to sign Request for Reimbursement #004 and #005 for Airport Improvement Project #023 for the slope stabilization project. Motion to sign contracts with Maria’s Cleaning Service. Motion to sign Engagement Letter with Hoover CPA. Motion to approve Alcoholic Beverage License for Boulder Creek Retreat. Motion to sign Boundary Community Hospital Bylaws of the Board of Trustees. ACTION ITEMS.
10:00 a.m.: Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Environmental Program Manager Karen Schumacher - Discuss food waste composting program.
1:30 p.m.: Road and Bridge Department report. Motion to sign Concurrence Document for Duarte for the Riverside Road improvement Project. Motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)c, to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. ACTION ITEM.
2:00 p.m.: Solid Waste Department Superintendent Richard Jenkins - Review and make motion regarding estimate to replace hydrant. ACTION ITEM.
2:30 p.m.: John Marquette with JRS Surveying and property owner Howard Seaman - Discussion regarding request for variance to County Addressing Ordinance. ACTION ITEM.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DISCUSSION MAY INCLUDE ANY OTHER TOPICS THAT HAVE BEEN COVERED IN THE PAST. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to disability should contact Boundary County Commissioners’ office at (208) 267-7723 at least two working days prior to the meetings.

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