Emergency Management
Press Release 5/22/17
Amateur Radio has played an important part of Emergency Communications since the dawn of radio.
Amateurs always practice their skills. One of those practices is the Annual Field Day. It is a time when “Hams” as they are called move out into our community and operate for 24 hours remotely, away from power connections and antennas. They do what they can, with what they can create to get by and get the job done.
Boundary County Emergency Management supports this annual field day as a training opportunity.
Visit your local Amateurs at their Field Day location to discover what they are doing and how they do it.
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Amateur Radio
Participate in your local ARRL Field Day
June 24-25, 2017
All are invited.
You do not need to be a ham to participate
Location: Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge Hq’s
Time: 11AM Saturday thru 11AM Sunday
Sponsored by : Boundary Amateur Radio Club