Effective January 1, 2006, all building contractors and subcontractors in Idaho must register with the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. Under new Idaho statutes, any person who improves, alters or repairs a building or structure with a dollar amount exceeding $2,000, materials and labor, unless otherwise exempt.
If you fail to register, you lose the right to place a lien on property to collect amounts due, you lose your right to sue to collect money for work under any contract for which you must have been registered, and you could be charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense.
Registration is underway now, and due to the high volume of applications, processing is being done on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register, visit and download the application form. Registration fee is $30, and must include a copy of liability insurance, a certificate of workers compensation coverage and a full list of owners, with addresses. Completed applications should be mailed to Bureau of Occupational Licenses, Owyhee Plaza, 1109 Main Street, Suite 220, Boise, ID 83702.