Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2017

***Monday, May 8, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton was attending to other matters.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Kirby moved to amend today’s agenda for 9:30 a.m., to include a motion pertaining to an indigent matter and to make a motion to sign request for reimbursement forms from the Idaho Department of Lands as these matters are time sensitive. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter Mike Brown was in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball joined the meeting to give his departmental report. Mr. Kimball presented a written report. Mr. Kimball spoke of ongoing work Road and Bridge has been doing. Mr. Kimball spoke of the process of completing paperwork pertaining to road damage caused by heavy precipitation. Mr. Kimball spoke of the landslide along Highway 95 that the Idaho Transportation Department is keeping an eye on. Water continues to flow through this slide, according to Mr. Kimball.

Commissioners and Mr. Kimball spoke of how water used to be pumped from Foust pond to Smith Creek.

Those present discussed budget matters pertaining to Road and Bridge, lack of Secure Rural Schools funding and planning for the future. Mr. Kimball spoke of being short-handed, having to haul another machine and ecology blocks, and how people are driving on or knocking over safety cones resulting in the need to continually check on them.

Mr. Kimball left the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the partial release of lien to Community Title for indigent case 2003-9 having received $5,059.42, and authorizing Chairman Dinning to sign the partial release of lien. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting at 9:19 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Commissioner Kirby moved to reappoint Pat Gardiner to the Boundary County Airport Board with a term to expire February 2020. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to reappoint Kristi Kline to the Boundary County Airport Board with a term to expire February 2020. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to reappoint Don Jordan to the Boundary County Airport Board with a term to expire February 2019. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Kirby moved to reappoint Jim Fairchild to the Boundary County Airport Board with a term to expire February 2019. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to reappoint Jay Wages to the Boundary County Airport Board with a term to expire February 2019. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve and sign the Idaho Department of Lands 2015 Community Fire Protection Program Reimbursement Request Form for Grant #14HFR1-Boundary, in the amount of $3,030.96. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve and sign the Idaho Department of Lands Temple-Deer Project Request Form for Grant #15HFR1-Boundary, in the amount of $2,878.20. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to authorize the Chairman to sign Certificates of Residency for Ramona Smucker, Marta Matthews, Ashlynn Rushing, and Mariah Roy. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dinning said Economic Development Council Director Dennis Weed has suggested reducing the cash contribution portion for the fiscal year 2018 Economic Development Professional Grant program from $10,000 to $8,000.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the reduction of the county’s cash contribution portion of the fiscal year 2018 Economic Development Professional Grant program from $10,000 to $8,000 and to authorize Chairman Dinning to sign the Rural Economic Development Professional Grant match letter. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution 2017-17. A resolution to increase the Road and Bridge budget due to receipt of unanticipated funds. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2017-17 reads as follows:



WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, County of Boundary, State of Idaho, did establish an operating budget for the Road & Bridge Fund for fiscal year 2016-2017, and

WHEREAS, $36,010.19 has been received from Progressive Insurance Company as reimbursement for structural damage caused by a truck hitting the Naples Bridge on December 9, 2016, and

WHEREAS, the Road & Bridge Fund for fiscal year 2016-2017 is in need of this additional revenue, and

WHEREAS, the addition of this revenue does not affect the tax levy for Boundary County, and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate to increase the Boundary County Road & Bridge Fund Revenue Account Number 02-00-391-018 in the amount of $36,010.19 and the Road & Bridge Expense Account Number 02-00-670-02, Contracts - Bridge Repair, in the amount of $31,196.89 and Road & Bridge Expense Account Number 02-00-484-00, Professional Services, in the amount of $4,813.30, and
NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried,

IT IS RESOLVED that the increase in the Boundary County Road & Bridge Fund Revenue Account Number 02-00-391-018 in the amount of $36,010.19 and the Road & Bridge Expense Account Number 02-00-670-02, Contracts - Bridge Repair, in the amount of $31,196.89 and Road & Bridge Expense Account Number 02-00-484-00, Professional Services, in the amount of $4,813.30 is hereby authorized and ordered; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is instructed to deliver certified copies of this resolution to the Boundary County Treasurer and the Boundary County Auditor.

DATED this 8th day of May 2017.
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
GLENDA POSTON, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #270545

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the letter amending the expiration date of Translator Board member John Youngwirth’s term to reflect he is filling a position left vacant by Rita Pensmith and his amended term will expire March 2019. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the In-Kind Income letter for Boundary County Victim Services for fiscal year 2017-2018. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Boundary County No Spray Weed Control Agreements for the following people: Mary Kate McKerney, Paul Wheeler, Joseph Striss, David Anderson, Debbie Woods, and Raymond Harris. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution 2017-18. A resolution authorizing the disposition of records of Boundary County Commissioners’ Office. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2017-18 reads as follows:



WHEREAS, the Boundary County Commissioner’s Office is currently storing old Certificates of Residency/Affidavits for Boundary County residents who have applied to North Idaho College, College of Southern Idaho and/or the College of Western Idaho; and

WHEREAS, due to lack of storage space, the Boundary County Commissioner’s Office has requested permission to dispose of old records; and
WHEREAS, the Boundary County Civil Attorney has advised the Board of Boundary County Commissioners regarding the classification of such records pursuant to Idaho Code 31-871; and

NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried,

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following records be classified and disposed of as follows:

The following records have been deemed temporary by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County’s Civil Attorney and temporary records must be kept for a minimum of two years. The following records are to be shredded:
• Certificates of Residency/Affidavits for North Idaho College, College of Southern Idaho and College of Western Idaho for years 2013 and 2014.

Regularly passed and approved on this 8th day of May, 2017.

Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner

Reviewed by and on advice of the County’s Prosecuting Attorney this 2nd day of May, 2017.

County Prosecutor
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #270546

9:34 a.m., Commissioners contacted County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull via telephone to obtain updates on various matters.

Commissioners asked the status of a letter that had been sent to the Attorney General’s Office regarding the ability to cancel taxes. Attorney Hull said he has not heard back on that matter.

Attorney Hull said he is just finishing up drafting the petition to abandon the mosquito abatement district as this is something that needs to be done as soon as possible.

Attorney Hull said the only document left to send for the Moore property transaction is the Sponsor Certificate and Title. A recorded copy of the warranty deed will be included.

Attorney Hull discussed an indigent matter pertaining to property. Attorney Hull said he has not received any response whatsoever so he is asking for Commissioners’ permission to send Community Title a certified letter to move this matter along to the next step.

Commissioner Kirby moved to authorize the county civil attorney to send a certified letter to Community Title regarding an indigent case. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Attorney Hull said he has other matters that he is working on for the Treasurer’s Office and Road and Bridge and he added that he will soon send the letter to the Forest Service regarding Pack River Road.

Attorney Hull questioned payment collection for the Wallace Nyberg property purchase. Attorney Hull said he was under the impression the county was going to handle the payments through an escrow account.

The call to Attorney Hull ended at 9:46 a.m.

9:48 a.m., Treasurer Sue Larson joined the meeting.

Commissioners asked Treasurer Larson if she can collect the payment and any interest on the Wallace Nyberg contract to purchase property. Treasurer Larson said yes.

Commissioners, Clerk Poston and Treasurer Larson discussed general budget information.

Treasurer Larson left the meeting at 9:53 a.m.

Chairman Dinning said Commissioners are being asked a question by the Idaho Department of Lands as to whether or not they should proceed with hazardous fuels projects as the memorandums of understanding are now in effect or to wait until another Idaho Department of Lands representative returns to work and forwards documentation to proceed.

Commissioner Kirby moved to inform Tyre Holfeltz with the Idaho Department of Lands to proceed with the work for the Temple-Deer and South Boundary Hazardous Fuels Reductions projects as the memorandums of understanding have been completed. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the Airport Board’s minutes for the meeting held on May 2, 2017, and the Weed Board’s minutes from the meeting held on May 1, 2017. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Funds totals are as follows:

Current Expense $ 29,836.65
Road & Bridge 82,782.36
Airport 3,433.89
District Court 4,996.43
Justice Fund 37,795.40
911 Funds 3,538.68
Indigent & Charity 3,397.70
Junior College Tuition 41,000.00
Parks and Recreation 5,111.28
Revaluation 947.50
Solid Waste 25,603.90
Tort 1,000.00
Veterans Memorial 192.28
Weeds 501.00
Restorium 14,406.53
Waterways 174.10
Grant, Boat Safety 111.90

TOTAL $254,829.60
Auditor’s Trust $ 76.08
Boundary Co. Drug Court Trust 524.33
Sales Tax Collected 94.97
Driver’s License Trust 8,055.00
Magistrate Trust 20,724.52
Motor Vehicle Trust 140,840.33
Sheriff’s Trust Fund 190.95

TOTAL $170,506.18

GRAND TOTAL $425,335.78

Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners’ allowance & warrant register record 2016-2017).

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the claims for payment. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

There being no further business, the meeting recessed until tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

***Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Chairman Dinning was out of the office attending the Idaho Roadless Commission meeting in Coeur d’ Alene.

Commissioner Kirby moved to appoint Commissioner Pinkerton Acting Chairman in the absence of Chairman Dan Dinning. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:00 a.m., Tom Daniel and Cassie Olson with the Boundary Soil Conservation District, Ree Brannon and Tony Sunseri representing the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and Soil Conservationist for the State of Idaho, Curtis Elke joined the meeting.

Ms. Olson said she and Mr. Daniel are here to request the annual funding from the county. The Soil Conservation District has a lot of new programs going on and the hope is to partner more with the county. Ms. Olson spoke briefly of a plan to work in a cost sharing program in District 5 and she mentioned the project to replace three culverts in that area. Commissioner Pinkerton mentioned that his family has lived in the District Five area for quite a long time so he knows how the culverts have been holding up. Ms. Olson spoke of the fish ladders and how there used to be recreation in that area and now it is just gone.

Ms. Olson spoke of applying for grants for projects on Cow Creek Road and Dawson Creek. Commissioner Pinkerton thanked Ms. Olson for taking on the job. Ms. Olson said there is going to be another farm tour and she will continue the public outreach programs and work with the schools. Mr. Daniel said the more often young kids are educated the better. Ms. Olson mentioned helping out with an agricultural program for kids.

Ms. Olson said the Soil District is requesting the same budget as last year with matching funds from the state.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the letter of intent to fund the Boundary County Soil Conservation District $9,000 for their fiscal year 2018 budget.

Mr. Elke thanked Commissioners for their time and he explained the good relationships with conservation partners. Mr. Elke said he would also like to work with the county more often and see what they can do to work better. Mr. Elke said the Soil Conservation District has been around for many years, but the public still isn’t aware of what they do, which is to help people with their land. The Soil Conservation District is a volunteer, non-regulatory agency and it’s the only federal agency that is non-regulatory. The Soil Conservation District’s following is amazing and there may be more of a demand than they have supply for resources, including financial resources. The Soil Conservation District wishes they could help more people. Approximately $13,000,000 is put into work in the field. Mr. Elke said he oversees the entire state of Idaho where there are 38 field office locations throughout the state and 140 staff members budgeted.

Mr. Elke said Ms. Brannon has been doing a fabulous job and they try to provide her with the resources she needs for that job. Mr. Elke said he wanted Commissioners to know that he has a partner with the NRCS and they want to work with the county as well.

Mr. Elke said the state of Idaho is under a declaration of emergency for flooding, and the President has declared 11 counties a federal disaster under this declaration. Mr. Elke said he is working with 11 counties through the emergency watershed program and this program doesn’t require sponsorship for people. A federal emergency has also been declared for an additional 33 counties that the President hadn’t included and Boundary County falls into that declaration. Right now the NRCS and other partners are assessing the damages and it is believed that we have not seen the worst yet as the snowpack will melt and 40 to 50 inches of water will come down into the watershed. Mr. Elke said the NRCS owns 118 snowtel sites so they are the forecasters as to how much snow is in the mountains, which helps the Corps of Engineers in making the best decision possible for the reservoirs. Mr. Elke said he is cautiously optimistic as to how that will go. Mr. Elke said the state has requested an additional $3,000,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for assistance and technical issues and he has a team of people in Weaser, Idaho today conducting damage assessments.

Mr. Elke asked Commissioners to keep in contact with the local field staff and conservation partners and let them know what they can do to help the county as that is primarily what he wanted to talk about today.

Ms. Brannon discussed how the NRCS provides assistance for landowners with pruning and thinning programs and how they have contracts to create field breaks on privately owned lots. Ms. Brannon spoke of the Emergency Watershed Program (EWP) and she said if this program didn’t work out, as there are certain constraints, there are still a couple venues with the Soil Conservation District. Ms. Brannon said Boundary County Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball has been great to work with and she mentioned the blowout at Rock Creek and Cow Creek projects. Anytime you can apply for the 319 grant, it’s good.

Ms. Brannon explained that she got a call from a property owner who lives at the end of Longview Road and a slide has occurred right below where this person’s residence sits on the bench so she may be able to submit an application to shore that area up a little. Ms. Brannon questioned the ability for a property owner to apply for assistance through the EWP, such as the owner of a mobile home along Deep Creek. If there is a project such as the example she gave, she would like to hear about it so she is just looking for additional information and she added that she has sat in on meetings with Greg Hoffman with the Army Corps of Engineers for information.

Mr. Elke said to elaborate, he has a local workshop process that provides information on what resources are and where and how money should be put toward a project. Annually there will be a local work group and the Soil Conservation District could work to provide input on where dollars should be spent. The Soil Conservation District does listen and adhere to a lot of the comments made on where funds should be spent.

Ms. Olson informed Commissioners that this year’s farm tour is on May 26th, and they will visit Ronniger’s, and the flower farm and take a lunch break at the Curley Creek Community Hall.

The meeting with NRCS and the Soil Conservation District ended at 9:34 a.m.

9:34 a.m., Dick Staples with JRS Surveying met with Commissioners briefly to clarify his quote for surveying the landfill property.

Mr. Staples said just for clarification he can clear the line so one could see from fence post to fence post or he can sit in one spot and show a line, but not actually clear the line. The quote of $1,500 is to mark and clear the line otherwise the quote is just approximately $500 if he doesn’t have to clear the line. Acting Chairman Pinkerton said the county is going to log the area eventually so it would just be a waste of time to have a line cleared. Mr. Staples said he just wanted to clarify that as the quote will not be the higher amount.

The meeting with Mr. Staples ended at 9:36 a.m.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Certificate of Residency for Amanda Bauer. Acting Chairman Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

Commissioner Kirby moved to amend the agenda for today at 9:45 a.m. in order to authorize Chairman Dinning to sign the Sponsor Certificate of Title for the Moore property for Airport Improvement Project #3-16-0004-015-2017 as it is time sensitive. Acting Chairman Pinkerton yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to authorize Chairman Dinning to sign the Certificate of Title for the Moore property for Airport Improvement Project #3-16-0004-015-2017. Acting Chairman Pinkerton yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the letter to the United States Postal Service terminating the lease for office space utilized for the Boundary County Probation Office. Acting Chairman Pinkerton yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 - 10:45
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