Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of August 28, 2017

***Monday, August 28, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter Mike Brown was in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball cancelled his Road and Bridge Department report as he had to be at the job site located on Meadow Creek Road. Chairman Dinning said although Mr. Kimball had to cancel his meeting he did send over his written department report for Commissioners’ review. Chairman Dinning briefly reviewed aloud a few details listed in the report to include paving damaged areas on Westside Road and replacing speed limit signs on Prospector Road.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve Commissioners’ meeting minutes for the week of August 14, 2017. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign a letter of non-renewal for a professional services contract. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dinning informed Commissioners that property owner Kim Kimball had scheduled a meeting with Commissioners to become knowledgeable as to what is allowed to occur on her neighbor’s property in Naples, where rock crawl and mud bog events are held. Chairman Dinning said the Planning and Zoning Commission had held a public hearing on the application for a conditional use permit (CUP) for a rock crawl/mud bog event and the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the application so the matter came before Commissioners to consider. Commissioners did approve the CUP for a one-time event, but under the ordinance in effect at the time, Mr. Romero didn’t have to have a public hearing for his event if the number of attendees was under 500 people. The Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance has since been updated and the condition of the threshold of 500 attendees was done away with. In the meantime Planning and Zoning Administrator John Moss has presented a letter to County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull for review that pertains to notifying the event holder of the updated ordinance although the ordinance does state the update should not affect pre-existing permits, according to Chairman Dinning.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign two Contracts for Public Defender Services. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Abigail Byars, Talia Liermann, Elijah Price, Caleb Gering, Barbara Binnall, Brad Darrow, and Shelley Warden. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Idaho Office of Emergency Management 2017 Subrecipient Agreement for the 2017 Emergency Management Planning Grant in the amount of $13,759.00. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the Sublease Amendment #1 with the State of Idaho Department of Corrections for the State to lease office space at the Armory for State Probation Officer Ron Pell. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.
9:15 a.m., Commissioner Pinkerton moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Kirby second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 9:45 a.m. No action was taken.

Clerk’s note: Commissioners contacted County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull at 9:30 a.m., to discuss matters in executive session.

Commissioners and Attorney Hull discussed matters outside of executive session to include working on the agreement for overflow parking as it pertains to the Rock Point/Waterways boat launch.

The call to Attorney Hull ended at 9:45 a.m.

Commissioners and Clerk Poston discussed matters pertaining to budget and the Solid Waste Department operation.

Treasurer Sue Larson joined the meeting at 9:54 a.m., at Commissioners’ request to discuss changes to the Boundary County Investment Policy and to adopt a resolution for the new policy. Idaho Code has been updated to reflect that the Board of Commissioners, not the State of Idaho, is now the delegating authority as it pertains to investments made with banks and the resolution to adopt this policy has been updated to reflect this change as well.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2017-25. A resolution adopting the updated Boundary County Investment Policy. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2017-25 reads as follows:


WHEREAS, Boundary County receives, deposits, invests and manages millions of dollars each year; and
WHEREAS, Idaho Code, Title 57, Chapter 1, Sections 57-101, et seq., provide that the County Commissioners of a depositing unit, such as Boundary County, designate the places for safekeeping of public moneys; and

WHEREAS, Idaho Code, Title 57, Chapter 1, Sections 57-101, et seq. further provides that the County Treasurer shall deposit and invest moneys with the approval of the County Commissioners; and

WHEREAS, the Boundary County Treasurer has revised and updated the previously approved Boundary County Investment Policy promulgated pursuant to Idaho Code, Title 57, Chapter 1, Sections 57-101, et seq. by removing the mention of the State Treasurer in SECTION 2 – DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY; and

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that until this resolution is revoked, the Board of County Commissioners hereby approves and adopts the attached:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution supersedes all previously adopted Boundary County Investment Policies.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of August, 2017.

Board of Boundary County Commissioners
By: s/_________________________________
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
By: s/_________________________________
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
By: s/_________________________________
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
Glenda Poston, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #271606
Clerk’s Note: The entire text of the Boundary County Investment Policy is recorded with Resolution 2017-25 and is located in the Clerk’s Office vault.

Treasurer Larson left the meeting at 9:56 a.m.

Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen and Assistant Superintendent Eric Owen joined the meeting at Commissioners’ request. Chairman Dinning said as it pertains to the wood pile at the landfill, the last time grinding took place the cost was $30,000 and that cost only covered grinding one-quarter of the wood pile. Mr. Skeen agreed with this estimation. Clerk Poston informed Commissioners that the budget for grinding the wood pile this next budget year is proposed at $20,000.

Commissioners also asked Mr. Skeen the status of the tire pile to be disposed of. Mr. Skeen said he pays $140 per ton to dispose of tires and this pile is dwindling down. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners are looking at disposing of the entire wood and tire piles. Mr. Skeen said it is close to $30,000 to get rid of all the tires and he added that this last section of the pile consists of the bigger loader tires, etc., so his budget would need an additional $10,000 to get rid of everything. Mr. Skeen said the county is also looking at a cost of $80,000 to $90,000 to get rid of the wood pile. Chairman Dinning said as of October, the start of the next budget, there will be $30,000 available to Mr. Skeen. Chairman Dinning asked Mr. Skeen if he would get rid of the tires if he had the budget. Mr. Skeen said absolutely. Chairman Dinning said Boundary County was found to have mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus and tires are a breeding ground for mosquitoes so he would like to stay on top of that, even though these types of mosquitoes were not found at the landfill.

It was said another $10,000 can be added to the Solid Waste Department to take care of tire pile. Mr. Skeen said a budget of $20,000 for that should be sufficient. Clerk Poston said she will increase Mr. Skeen’s
department budget by $10,000 so he will have a total of $30,000 to take care of this.

Chairman Dinning said he usually makes a run to the landfill on Saturdays and while there he has noticed that the recycling area is always full and there is no trailer. Mr. Skeen explained the rotation schedule and how recycling is hauled out on another day as opposed to a Saturday. Mr. Skeen contemplated changing this day from Tuesday to Thursday so the recycle area won’t be as full on Saturday. Chairman Dinning asked if the landfill has enough recycling to have two trailers per week to clean out the area. Mr. Skeen said sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Mr. Skeen requested to go into executive session for a personnel matter.

10:06 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 10:10 a.m. No action was taken.

Mr. Skeen and Mr. Owen left the meeting.

Commissioners stated for the record that today they have received the official recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to retain the existing Comprehensive Plan and map, dated originally year 2008. Now that Planning and Zoning Administrator John Moss has provided Commissioners with this recommendation, Commissioners have 30 days in which to review the information presented to them and once 30 days has gone by, Mr. Moss will schedule a meeting to allow for discussion of any concerns and a decision either to remand the Plan back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further refinement or to proceed to a public hearing.

There being no further business for the week, the meeting adjourned at 10:18 a.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 11:15
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