Press Release - Bear Awareness Program

Monday, April 16, 2018

Public Information

By Boundary County Sheriff’s Office:

The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with former Alaska Brown and Grizzly Bear Master Guide, Brent Hudson recently presented training for First Responders that work in bear country. Hudson who has over 37 years experience as a Master Bear Hunting Guide, Bear Guard for workers in remote locations, and conducting bear threat studies for the US Government as a sub-contractor and for private companies. Brent is also a volunteer with the Boundary County Sheriff’s Volunteer Support Unit. Some of the training that Hudson presented the group of First Responders included reading bear attitudes, avoidance techniques, and when avoidance doesn’t work, the proper response for better survival. At the end of the training Hudson detailed his mauling by a ten foot Kodiak Brown Bear that left him for dead. The group of First Responders included members of Boundary Search and Rescue, law enforcement, Ambulance and the Forest Service.

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