Press Release - Boundary County Exercise

Monday, September 25, 2017

Emergency Management
Press Release 9-25-17
Boundary County Emergency Management planned and exercise with the 101st Army Civil Support Team from Boise that played out in the early hours of 9-19-17 till early evening.

Many of you that witnessed all the activity of the Sheriff’s Office, North Bench Fire, Ambulance, Military, FBI, Hospital, Pan Handle Health, Idaho Hazmat Team and the Emergency Operations Center (Armory Building). The exercise locations were the Boundary County Airport, Good Grief Fire Station, and Border.

The exercise involved a vehicle entering the United States from Canada in which the driver was a known individual on the FBI’s list. The vehicle continued after being pursued by the Border Patrol to an accident site at the airport.

At that site a white powder was found all over the vehicle, first responders became over whelmed by the substance, and decontaminated and sent to the hospital. The Idaho Hazmat Team was called and responded to handle the Hazmat material along with the 101St WMD Army Group. The FBI also arrived at the scene.

From there exercise moved on to the Good Grief Fire Station and Back to the Border.

A very long day with outstanding results from our first responders in the field, our Unified Command at the airport in the Pan Handle Health Command Vehicle and our Emergency Operations Center manned by volunteers. Thank you to all that volunteered and spent all their time proving we were capable and ready

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