***Monday, July 12, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Commissioner Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Chairman Dan Dinning was out of the office tending to personal matters.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dottie Gray briefly joined the meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Ms. Gray stated that she wanted to stop by Commissioners’ Office on behalf of the Historical Society. Ms. Gray said the Historical Society would like to voice its appreciation to Commissioners for the county’s support of its projects. Ms. Gray said the newest venture is a book called Small Towns, Big Dreams and she presented each Commissioner with the new book. This book was a two-and one-half year project, according to Ms. Gray.
Ms. Gray left the meeting.
Commissioner Bertling moved to appoint Commissioner Cossairt acting chairman in the absence of Chairman Dinning. Commissioner Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.
9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Co-Superintendents Renee Nelson and Randy Morris joined the meeting to give the department report. A written report was provided.
Ms. Nelson informed Commissioners that Planning and Zoning Administrator Clare Marley has eight or nine residential placement permits that are ready, except for addressing. What if Planning and Zoning approved these permits and sent them to the applicants so they start work on their homes, then Road and Bridge can get the information to do the locates? Commissioners said they didn’t have a problem with that. Ms. Nelson spoke of trying to keep things in line in relation to applications being ready for addressing.
Ms. Nelson spoke of the KN21994 guardrail upgrade project and she said she’s requesting the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) ask the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) to move this project out one year. Road and Bridge is having to coordinate with Union Pacific Railroad on their right-of-way and county right-of-way overlaps. LHTAC thought everything was moving forward. Ms. Nelson said she’s finding a lot of things that are in place as far as projects where rights-of-way overlap.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sign the KN21994 guardrail upgrade project requesting the construction phase of the project be rescheduled from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2022. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Nelson discussed with Commissioners a matter pertaining to Labrosse Hill Road in relation to an abandoned portion and she commented that she needs to get paperwork in order to find out what is abandoned. Ms. Nelson said her information shows that this area has always been maintained by Road and Bridge.
Ms. Nelson said she and Mr. Morris have different scenarios as far as current use of what were old trails so if they could review this matter with Commissioners, they could get some guidelines on how to proceed in different situations pertaining to approaches.
Ms. Nelson said both she and Planning and Zoning Administrator Clare Marley received requests from people who are putting an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on their parcels, but they don’t want an address for the ADU. Ms. Marley had commented that for 911 purposes, she felt these ADUs should have an address. Ms. Nelson said people probably think it will take too long to get an address and she asked Commissioners if addresses should be assigned to the ADUs. Acting Chairman Cossairt said most of these situations will use a common driveway. Commissioner Bertling said he feels the ADU should have a separate address. Timing is crucial as far as 911 response. Acting Chairman Cossairt voiced favor in assigning addresses to ADUs in the interim. Clerk Poston asked about maintaining a list of names in order to make it easier to go back and assign addresses later.
Mr. Morris said Alta Mill uses Stage Coach Road a lot and there are approximately three residential houses beyond Alta. Alta is doing a big reconstruct of their log yard and they want Road and Bridge to fix the road, but they want to cost share. Mr. Morris said it would still be another month or two before Alta is ready. Nothing is written in stone, but Mr. Morris would like to put rock and the filter cloth down and have Alta pave over it. The section of road is approximately 2/10ths of a mile. Improvements will help with truck traffic going around the school. Those present discussed the size of rock to use for this project. Commissioner Bertling suggested finding out how much the county’s share would be and how much Alta wants to contribute. Ms. Nelson said if and when Alta decides to do this project, an agreement should be written up. Ms. Nelson mentioned that Road and Bridge has to maintain the bridge at the end of this road.
The meeting with Ms. Nelson and Mr. Morris ended at 9:44 a.m.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Nathan Johnson and Heather Kunsky. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sign the Property Tax Cancellation Form for tax year 2020 for parcel #MH61N01E30736BT in the amount of $8.84 in taxes, $92.96 in specials/fees and $2.04 in late fees for a total of $101.80, plus interest, as the mobile home burned in December and is no longer there. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Bertling moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the property deeds for Chris and Treva Rawlings for parcels #RPB02400540060A and #RPB0240044006BA once the deeds have been prepared. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sign the City/County Dispatch Agreement once it’s ready. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners tended to administrative duties.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sign the contract with Innovate! Inc. for an amount up to $25,431.00 and having a term ending September 30, 2021. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows:
Current Expense $ 56,574.86
Road & Bridge 39,206.35
Airport 3,715.28
District Court 6,028.40
Fair, County 53,500.00
Justice Fund 54,253.23
911 Funds 2,055.28
Historical Society & Museum 29,000.00
Hospital, Operation 150,000.00
Indigent & Charity 21,646.87
Junior College 500.00
Parks and Recreation 10,437.38
Reval 1,644.08
Solid Waste 24,209.23
Tort 1,500.00
Veterans Memorial 4,970.35
Weeds 844.30
Restorium 20,727.33
Waterways 216.96
Grant, Airport 31,997.68
Grant, Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt 1,000.00
Grant, Boat Safety 422.19
TOTAL $514,449.77
Boundary Co. Drug Court Trust 400.00
Sales Tax Collected 254.74
Driver’s License Trust 11,632.00
Indigent Reimbursements 10,672.58
Motor Vehicle Trust 274,587.67
Sheriff’s Trust Fund 412.85
Odyssey Court Trust Account 27,842.58
Odyssey Bond Trust Account 54,200.00
TOTAL $380,002.42
GRAND TOTAL $894,452.19
Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners’ allowance & warrant register record 2020-2021).
10:45 a.m., Commissioner Bertling moved to recess as the Board of Boundary County Commissioners and convene as the Board of Equalization. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners held a Board of Equalization appeal hearing for parcel #PPM00000151510A owned by Idaho Forest Group. Present were: Acting Chairman Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, Clerk Glenda Poston, Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser, Assessor Dave Ryals, Appraiser MacKenzie Durette, Deputy Assessor Olivia Drake, Appraiser Janessa Arceneaux, and Appraiser Teri Cushman. The appeal hearing was recorded. The applicant was not present for the hearing nor participated via telephone.
No exhibits were presented. Acting Chairman Cossairt administered the oath to Assessor Ryals.
It was said that Idaho Forest Group is appealing their business personal property assessment.
Assessor Ryals stated that industrial property appraisals are performed by the Idaho State Tax Commission for the county and it’s based on annual reports provided by the property owner. Assessor Ryals added that questionnaires are sent out early in the year and are returned with changes to inventory in relation to the business equipment. The value was based on the report provided by Idaho Forest Group and valued by Matt Virgil, a senior appraiser for the Idaho State Tax Commission. The value was submitted, but Assessor Ryals said he doesn’t yet have that report. Assessor Ryals said his office believes the value to be fair.
Commissioner Bertling moved to sustain the Assessor’s valuation in his findings for Parcel #PPM00000151510A. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
The Board of Equalization appeal hearing for parcel #PPM00000151510A owned by Idaho Forest Group, ended at 10:50 a.m.
Commissioners addressed additional adjustments pertaining to Board of Equalization matters.
Commissioner Bertling moved to reduce the value on parcel #RP60N01E055561A from $1,470.00 to $0, a Category 12 to a Category 81. Acting Chairman Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Bertling moved to increase the value of parcel #RP60N02W218362A from $58,100.00 to $112,760.00, and to remove the Homeowner’s Exemption. Acting Chairman Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Bertling moved to add the homeowner’s exemption to the following parcels: RP006520000080A, RP61N01W353020A, RP61N01E290612A, RP62N01E156300A, RP00510000007AA, RP63N01E3591404A, and MH61N01E145550A. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
10:58 a.m., Commissioner Bertling moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Boundary County Board of Commissioners. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Assessor Drake, Ms. Cushman, Ms. Durette, and Ms. Arceneaux left the meeting.
Commissioners and Assessor Ryals discussed general matters regarding values.
Assessor Ryals left the meeting at 11:09 a.m.
Restorium Administrator Karlene Magee joined the meeting to give a Restorium report.
Ms. Magee spoke of working on proposed room fee increases.
11:17 a.m., Commissioner Bertling moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code #74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Commissioners voted as follow: Acting Chairman Cossairt “aye” and Commissioner Bertling “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 11:45 a.m. No action was taken.
Ms. Magee left the meeting.
11:45 a.m., Solid Waste Department Superintendent Claine Skeen joined the meeting to continue the discussion regarding a proposed purchase of an excavator.
Commissioner Bertling said Commissioners are considering purchasing the excavator inhouse. Clerk Poston said it’s between $20,000.00 and $25,000.00 in interest the landfill closure account would receive over a five-year period. Clerk Poston said Mr. Skeen could take a payment out of this budget year as well. Commissioner Bertling agreed. There would not be a balloon payment in the end and the county would own the equipment. Clerk Poston said there is a sizable amount in carry forward in Mr. Skeen’s budget.
Clerk Poston said Commissioners need to decide whether or not to increase the landfill closure fund and also decide if there is to be a solid waste fee increase. Acting Chairman Cossairt mentioned that he’s in favor of a fee increase of 4.9%.
Clerk Poston questioned the status of the landfill closure plan. Mr. Skeen said he will reach out to check on that again.
Mr. Skeen said he has three more loads of tires to haul out before he reaches his budget for tires.
Clerk Poston discussed Solid Waste Department budget information with Commissioners and Mr. Skeen. There is $61,000.00 budgeted for the wood pile, and $40,000.00 budgeted for the tire pile, which is now down to $32,000.00. A truckload of tires is approximately $3,600, according to Mr. Skeen. Acting Chairman Cossairt said to get the tire pile out of there and start over. Clerk Poston said to use the $20,000.00 then see where we’re at.
Clerk Poston asked about a budget of $80,000.00 for the tire pile for the next budget. Acting Chairman Cossairt suggesting getting rid of the tire and wood piles in order to start fresh. Those present discussed expending $20,000.00 to get rid of tires and expending $60,000.00 to get rid of the wood waste prior to September 30, 2021.
Commissioner Bertling moved to accept the Sourcewell piggyback quote of $326,400.00 for a 2021 Caterpillar 330 excavator, with a five-year warranty and borrowing the funds from the landfill closure account. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Skeen said he would confirm the total of $326,400.00 and get back to Commissioners about that later this afternoon. It was said there would be a buyback of $140,000.00.
The meeting with Mr. Skeen ended at 12:06 p.m.
Commissioners recessed for lunch at 12:15 p.m.
1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Acting Chairman Wally Cossairt, Commissioner Tim Bertling, Clerk Glenda Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.
1:30 p.m., Jimmy Ball joined the meeting.
Mr. Ball spoke of having built his housing development and the issue of not having addresses assigned to them, which leaves him in a bad spot. Mr. Ball added that he would like to expedite the addressing process as many people are residing in his complex already and it would also be beneficial for 911 purposes. Mr. Ball commented, now that his private road names have been approved, the next step would be to use the global positioning system (GPS) to determine the locations and if he could know what those locations are, he can put up the house numbers. Mr. Ball questioned if there is any way the county can expedite the addressing process on a temporary basis. Acting Chairman Cossairt mentioned the company, Innovate, that is planning to start on Thursday to assist in addressing and how Road and Bridge informed Commissioners that Mr. Ball is toward the top of their list for addressing. Mr. Ball said there are 10 units already occupied that just need addresses. These homes are basically duplexes, according to Mr. Ball. The only other matter of concern is having the street name signs installed, but that is not addressing. Mr. Ball said his goal is to provide quality to his tenants and an address is one of those things, but it seems like it’s a bit of a slow-paced process.
Commissioner Bertling commented that the current addressing system is antiquated and cumbersome and Innovate has been hired to streamline the process. Mr. Ball said it would be a horrible situation to start a new process. Commissioners said they don’t think that is what would take place. Mr. Ball said the county would not want to go back to square one. Mr. Ball explained that his goal is to have 20 housing units built this year and he’s excited to add this product because there is such a huge demand for affordable housing. There are 100 applications so far, according to Mr. Ball. Commissioners asked if the applicants are more so local or from out of town. Mr. Ball said applicants are mainly local and he explained that his duplexes rent out for $650.00 per month for a 1,000 square feet unit with three bedrooms. Mr. Ball said it will help him out to get addresses for his units, but it really will help his tenants. Acting Chairman Cossairt reiterated that Commissioners have hired Innovate, but it’s temporary and the county will find an employee to do the addressing.
The meeting with Mr. Ball ended at 1:48 p.m.
2:00 p.m., Boundary County Sheriff’s Office Marine Deputy Caleb Watts joined the meeting. Undersheriff Rich Stephens also joined the meeting.
Mr. Watts informed Commissioners that it’s been busy on the water with a lot of people from out of state, as well as with boaters who have boats that are not registered, kayakers, etc. Deputy Watts showed Commissioners a picture of the waterways boat launch dock crowded with people, and he said it’s the same way at the Deep Creek boat launch and the Copeland boat launch. Deputy Watts explained having made a lot of contacts for safety inspections, life jacket checks, etc. Contacts are now up to approximately 60 when it had been around 30.
Deputy Sheriff Watts mentioned the possibility of adopting a county ordinance pertaining to people jumping off bridges over rivers or swimming holes, especially if there are swimmers below, and he said it might be something Commissioners want to address as it’s one of those things where you won’t want to wait until something bad happens first. Undersheriff Stephens mentioned how jumpers might not see swimmers below them and he offered to try and get a copy of Sandpoint’s ordinance.
Deputy Watts said the overflow parking area is open, but nobody is using it. Boat trailer parking signs have been ordered so when they come in and are put up, that should help. Deputy Watts referred to a map diagram pertaining to the entrance and traffic congestion issues at the waterways boat launch and he spoke of having heard about people fighting due to parking issues when there’s an open parking lot across the street. If Search and Rescue or the Sheriff’s Office personnel cannot exit the waterways building or the waterways boat launch parking area, cars will just get towed. Those present discussed posting a no parking sign in a certain area and having cars park across the street. No parking signs could be posted all along the street side of the waterways parking lot as well as possibly a towing sign. Deputy Watts said he can wait to see if the new signs alleviate the problem before revisiting the issue.
Deputy Watts suggested having a no wake zone in the Waterways boat launch and swimming area of the Kootenai River. There already is an Idaho statute pertaining to no wakes when boating within 100 feet away from another vessel or swimmer if on a plane. Mr. Watts said he proposes a no wake zone in an area near the waterways boat launch due to swimmers, kayakers and boats coming in and out from the dock constantly. Someone is going to get hurt. A no wake zone will also prolong the life of the dock and help prevent erosion.
2:30 p.m., Undersheriff Stephens and Deputy Sheriff Watts left the meeting.
2:30 p.m., Sheriff Dave Kramer and Andrew O’Neel joined the meeting.
Mr. O’Neel informed Commissioners that the State Homeland Security grant funding is coming out and he was hoping to get Commissioners’ approval for project submittal. Mr. O’Neel said he has the projects listed by organization and most are purchases as opposed to projects, such as radios, etc. The Sheriff’s Office is requesting a camera system, bollards for the perimeter, three magnetic door locks, and an audible alert system for the County Annex building. This is a grant focused on terrorism prevention, according to Mr. O’Neel.
Mr. O’Neel said Commissioners had already approved the camera system last year and when he submitted that request to Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) Local Area Field Officer Jay Baker, Mr. Baker said the camera system, by itself, would not get approved as the cameras needed to be part of a bigger project for anti-terrorism. Mr. O’Neel said he feels this project would pass the test this time and in order to get the camera system approved, the four items requested by the Sheriff’s Office have to be done as a package. Mr. O’Neel said the amount available is $73,809.00 and the total of the projects requested is $66,641.00, so there is no need to prioritize and he would propose to fund all of the projects.
Mr. O’Neel spoke about getting a communication system for the conference room for an emergency operation center use as opposed to just the one phone line. This purchase would leave $13,167.00 to use in the future.
Commissioner Bertling moved to approve State Homeland Security grant funding for the grant projects as stated. Acting Chairman Cossairt second. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. O’Neel informed Commissioners that he now has a county public information line. Mr. O’Neel added that in talking about Idaho Department of Lands and evacuations, once people get evacuated, they don’t know who to talk to. This service can apply in different emergencies. Mr. O’Neel said he referred to a website and a local phone number. The cost is $6.00 per month and it is a certain amount per minute to listen to the information. Just to have this phone line is not a lot of money and there are 100 free minutes per month. Mr. O’Neel said he can pay for this line out of his budget and he clarified that it’s an information line and people will know the number to call as not everyone has internet, etc.
Mr. O’Neel said as it pertains to using the conference room, he would like to add two more telephone lines at a cost of $426.00 per year. Mr. O’Neel said he can also cover this cost through his communication budget. Commissioners asked Mr. O’Neel to get on the agenda to discuss this again.
Mr. O’Neel informed Commissioners that we are now in stage two fire restrictions. The Idaho Transportation Department will put up a message board at four locations and list a number to call for more information.
The meeting with Mr. O’Neel and Sheriff Kramer ended at 3:00 p.m.
3:03 p.m., Road and Bridge Department Co-Superintendent Renee Nelson joined the meeting to provide the application for two new private road names.
Commissioner Bertling moved to approve the New Private Road Name form for Sapphire Drive and Monarch Place. Acting Chairman Cossairt yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Nelson left the meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
WALLY COSSAIRT, Acting Chairman
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk