Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of August 14, 2017

***Monday, August 14, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball cancelled his department report in order to work on time sensitive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) related road projects.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign Certificates of Residency for Renee Pruitt, Katelyn Bennett, Isaiah Parlow, Matthew Wallace, and Rachel Langford. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the Offer of Terrorism Coverage – Rejection Letter through the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Federal Aviation Administration pay request #1 for Airport Improvement Program Grant #3-16-0004-015-2017 pertaining to the Moore property transaction. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Intent to Columbia Bank for the municipal lease of a Caterpillar loader for the Solid Waste Department as the county has included funding for this lease in the proposed 2017 – 2018 fiscal year budget. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners briefly discussed filling a position on the Planning and Zoning Commission that was recently vacated by Kim Peterson. Ms. Peterson’s term would have expired January 2018.

Commissioner Kirby moved to appoint Rob Woywod to the Planning and Zoning Commission, replacing Kim Peterson, with a term to expire January 2018. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:27 a.m., County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull contacted Commissioners via telephone to update them on various matters.

Attorney Hull said with regard to the Moore property, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has received all signed documentation. Deputy Clerk Ryals has been in contact with Rick Donaldson of Engineering firm, Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) with regard to the Delphi payment system. The Sponsor’s Certificates and grant offer were both received.

Attorney Hull said he met with a property owner regarding an indigent matter and she is on board with going forward with a claim. Attorney Hull said he will submit a copy of the title policy and closing statements to Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals and he will work with Old Republic. Attorney Hull said the amount in question is between $40,000 and $44,000.

Attorney Hull said he approves of the security services for the Sheriff’s Office and he will contact Sheriff Dave Kramer about getting a contract.

Attorney Hull informed Commissioners that he is currently reviewing an updated lease agreement for State Probation Officer Ron Pell pertaining to sharing office space with the County Probation Office at the armory.

Attorney Hull briefly discussed the need to review the Findings and Decision for Planning and Zoning Application 17-051.

Attorney Hull said he is working with County Mapper Olivia Drake on determining the easement to be 40 or 50 feet as it pertains to a matter involving an area on the Upper Pack River Road and the Forest Service.

Mr. Martinez and Mr. Brown left the meeting at 9:31 a.m.

9:31 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye”, and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 9:38 a.m. No action was taken.

The call with Attorney Hull ended.

9:38 a.m., Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows:

Current Expense $40,484.88
Road & Bridge 69,692.71
Airport 13,073.01
District Court 7,920.62
Justice Fund 60,077.72
911 Funds 10,461.24
Health District 14,107.50
Historical Society & Museum 19,000.00
Hospital, Operation 110,000.00
Indigent & Charity 1,151.94
Junior College Tuition 450.00
Parks and Recreation 9,303.66
Revaluation 2,433.17
Solid Waste 33,310.05
Veterans Memorial 119.98
Weeds 997.60
Restorium 13,941.35
Waterways 570.69
Grant, Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt 500.00
Juvenile Probation, Lottery 975.94
Grant, Boat Safety 1,015.89

TOTAL $409,587.95
Auditor’s Trust $ 125.98
Boundary Co. Drug Court Trust 246.66
Sales Tax Collected 221.39
Magistrate Trust 31,986.55
Motor Vehicle Trust 159,458.78
Sheriff’s Trust Fund 1,548.90

TOTAL $193,588.26

GRAND TOTAL $603,176.21

Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners’ allowance & warrant register record 2016-2017).

10:00 a.m., County resident Ron Sukenik joined the meeting to discuss county tax deeded property.

Mr. Sukenik said he appreciates Commissioners’ efforts to clean up some of these tax deeded properties and getting them back into the hands of the citizens. Some of these properties were tax deeded quite some many years ago. Mr. Sukenik informed Commissioners that the City of Bonners Ferry owns 64 pieces of property and over 500 acres of land. The State of Idaho has 247 parcels, consisting mostly of parcels for the Idaho Transportation Department, Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Lands, etc. The Kootenai Tribe, another non tax paying entity although they make great donations, has properties totaling 78 parcels. The Forest Service has 445 parcels. The grand total of all non-tax paying entities is 613,712.2 acres. Boundary County owns 77 parcels, not including the 22 tax deeded parcels, according to Mr. Sukenik. Mr. Sukenik said over the years Commissioners have really put an effort into cleaning those properties up and as a taxpayer, he appreciates that. Mr. Sukenik said he has purchased nine parcels and has sold eight of them, as some took more work to sell than others. Mr. Sukenik spoke of his experience with title issues, boundary disputes and cleaning up properties to return them back to the tax rolls. Mr. Sukenik informed Commissioners that he is employed as an abstractor for different companies concerning properties.

Mr. Sukenik discussed certain county owned properties. One parcel is a ½ acre piece up north that is basically a triangle shaped swamp, according to Mr. Sukenik. Commissioners should consider addressing this parcel or maybe making a trade with the state. This parcel has no value to the citizens of the county, but the adjoining neighbor might like to make a small offer. Chairman Dinning said he has the Treasurer provide Commissioners with a list of county owned properties so they can look into which parcels they may be interested in selling. Mr. Sukenik said he looks at these parcels one at a time and if he finds something that he thinks has marketability, he will provide that information to Commissioners and if he sees something he personally thinks he can turn back to the tax roll, he will submit an offer to Commissioners. Mr. Sukenik briefly discussed the county hiring a real estate agent in the past to attempt selling certain county owned properties.

Mr. Sukenik asked Commissioners to reconsider his offer to purchase a specific parcel and he added that it would be a better use to citizens to have it back on the tax rolls. Those present discussed various parcels and access to a parcel that adjoins the National Forest. Mr. Sukenik spoke of a parcel located on Pack River Road and he questioned if it is currently benefitting the public or if it is even accessible. Mr. Sukenik informed Commissioners that three years after this parcel was deeded to Boundary County for public use, it was subsequently deeded by a company to someone else so after it had been given to the county, it was sold to someone else in Florida by another company. Commissioners informed Mr. Sukenik that Commissioners will reconsider his offer and schedule time on next week’s agenda to address it.

Mr. Sukenik left the meeting at 10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m., Mary Cook joined the meeting.

Chairman Dinning informed Ms. Cook that Commissioners spoke with their civil attorney earlier this morning and were advised that in light of everything that has occurred, it would be best to continue this discussion until sometime in the future after Ms. Cook’s 10 day time frame in which to submit an appeal. Ms. Cook said she was told to immediately leave the Restorium. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners don’t want to deny Ms. Cook any action available to her and Attorney Hull felt it was best that any discussion pertaining to the Restorium wait for a possible appeal. Ms. Cook questioned what the appeal was about, such as wanting her job back. Commissioners informed Ms. Cook that in the county’s Personnel Policy there is an action that can be taken and after Commissioners’ discussion with their civil attorney they were advised to let the process take its course should Ms. Cook file an appeal. Ms. Cook handed Commissioners an unsealed envelope and said it contains a letter that she has also left with the Restorium pertaining to legal matters. Commissioners did not read the documentation left by Ms. Cook and will wait to hear from their civil counsel on what to do with this information. Commissioners informed Ms. Cook that there are procedures to follow for filing an appeal if she decides to take those steps.

Ms. Cook left the meeting.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve Certificates of Residency for Nathan Havens Boone, Brandon Blackmore, Sheleah Bushnell and Robert Endicott. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

11:00 a.m., Restorium Administrator Karlene Magee joined the meeting to discuss updating the job description for the nurse position at the Restorium.

Commissioners and Ms. Magee reviewed the current nursing job description and discussed the various job duties for clarification and approval. Ms. Magee said she would prefer to have a nurse at the Restorium 30 hours per week, which allows for the remaining 10 hours to be on call or to be called in. Ms. Magee added that she will add the automated external defibrillator (AED) to the equipment used section of the job description and she will double-check that it is clearly spelled out that the medication coordinator answers to her as the administrator. Commissioners said they don’t want a nurse to have total supervisory capacity. Commissioners also mentioned that Ms. Magee, as the Restorium Administrator, will be the person to choose who the medication coordinator is to be.

11:13 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye”, and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 11:35 a.m. No action was taken.

Ms. Magee left the meeting at 11:35 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:51 a.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman


By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Monday, August 28, 2017 - 17:00
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