Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - Week of November 27, 2017

***Monday, November 27, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda Poston and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Blue Sky Broadcasting News Reporter Mike Brown and county resident Marty Martinez were in attendance of the meetings off and on throughout the day.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball joined the meeting to give the departmental report. Mr. Kimball presented a written report. Mr. Kimball mentioned that it looks like the weather will cooperate for one more week so crews are catching up on projects. The hope is to place riprap around the culvert at Plato Road and clean it out. Mr. Kimball informed Commissioners that representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be up tomorrow.

Mr. Kimball reported Road and Bridge will do ditch work on Huff Road and improve line of sight on Plato Road. Plato Road and Tobe Way are now getting some use by contractors and soon this use will include trucks and RVs. Mr. Kimball said work to finish filling in a ditch will be done on Baldy Road and he explained that Baldy Road is located off Maas Loop Road. Mr. Kimball said he’s hoping Eileen Road dries out as Road and Bridge is trying to get the washboard removed.

Chairman Dinning asked how much the county anticipates receiving from FEMA. Mr. Kimball responded that he is not sure. Atkins Canyon is a very expensive project, but the other projects probably total approximately $100,000 combined. Mr. Kimball said he submitted the application for Boundary County to get an engineered estimated project and the county will get reimbursed. If not all of the funds are used, they can be assigned to other roads, but cannot be used for machinery or other material items. Mr. Kimball mentioned having 13 FEMA and 14 Federal Highway project sites and that the county should get a sizable reimbursement from the Federal Highways. There will be a 10% match for repairs and 7 ¾% standard costs are for federal highways project.

The meeting with Mr. Kimball ended at 9:10 a.m.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the Certificate of Residency for Molly Flower. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at 9:16 a.m.

Commissioner Kirby moved to go into closed session pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously. 9:25 a.m., Commissioner Pinkerton moved to go out of closed session. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve indigent case 2018-4. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting at 9:31 a.m.

Chairman Dinning questioned if it would be more appropriate to have other elected officials present their questions for County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull to Commissioners prior to passing them on to Attorney Hull as the contract for civil work is between Attorney Hull and Commissioners. Commissioners questioned if there is a benefit to that. Chairman Dinning said many elected officials and department heads have matters and questions needing clarification from Attorney Hull and some matters are more of a priority than others.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

9:35 a.m., Courthouse Maintenance John Buckley joined the meeting to update Commissioners on various maintenance projects. Mr. Buckley said he has been working on painting and repairs here and there. The Courthouse roof needs another coating in the next year or two and the windows probably need to be addressed soon as the seals are falling apart. There are no leaks, but it’s just a matter of time so the seals should be replaced. Mr. Buckley said the Courthouse boiler broke down last Wednesday afternoon so he had to call Atlas Boiler. There are several things that needed to be replaced and repaired on the boiler. The smaller motor is going out and the flow meter is having issues. A new meter and sensor will be shipped and Mr. Buckley informed Commissioners how this boiler system works.

Mr. Buckley said more painting is being done today and the new carpet for the Public Defender Office is scheduled to be done on December 13th. Mr. Buckley said he would check with Clerk Poston to see if any other court-related offices need new carpet as he would like to paint those rooms before new carpet is installed. Mr. Buckley mentioned there are other offices that need carpet, but he will need to check the budget for that. Mr. Buckley said he removed the air conditioning unit out of an office on the third floor and put the window back in and he added that he will probably do this every year as it’s too hard to get outside and cover those air conditioning units in the winter.

Those present discussed the need for more exterior lighting as the Courthouse is dark outside. Mr. Buckley said he will look into new lights.

Mr. Buckley informed Commissioners that the Extension Office now has a new water heater and the carpet has been cleaned as well. Mr. Buckley said he has received complaints because there are no hand rails on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp on the backside of the Extension Office. There are supposed to be handrails on any type of ramp so Mr. Buckley will get bids for the work to add handrails. Mr. Buckley said he, Karlene Magee and Richelle Rode make up the Handicap/ADA Access Board and they need to set up meetings to discuss what comes up in the county so they become an active board. Most items that they will address have already been taken care of.

Mr. Buckley said he has a few projects for the Appraiser’s Office; one of which is to redo the bathroom floor and install new laminate. Mr. Buckley said he is also looking into turning the lean-to on the Appraisers’ Office into an enclosed storage unit that will be heated. Mr. Buckley said he would like to pour a slab under this lean-to. This will be an enclosed storage area, not to be used to park the smaller appraiser vehicle.

Mr. Buckley said things are going well at the Veterans Memorial Hall. This building has received new siding, roof, etc. A deep cleaning of this building will be done soon and it’s slated to receive a new furnace this winter as well. Mr. Buckley said he thought he recalled the bid being $2,800 for a 95% furnace, which is a good furnace. Mr. Buckley mentioned working on a plan for glass display cases for Memorial Hall for veterans’ related memorabilia.

Those present discussed duct work on the roof of the courthouse.
Mr. Buckley said the boat launches have been good, but he needs to cover some graffiti at the Deep Creek boat launch. The snowmobile park also has had no damage going on approximately two years now. County Noxious Weeds Department Superintendent Dave Wenk has helped Mr. Buckley by taking the brush hog out to the snowmobile park and doing some mowing. Chairman Dinning said one thing Mr. Buckley might take a look at is the brush that’s grown up at the Deep Creek boat launch and cutting it back before it starts going. The gravel at this boat launch seems to be holding up fairly well, but there are still some areas that need addressed.

Mr. Buckley said he spoke to Road and Bridge Department Superintendent Clint Kimball about putting four ecology blocks along the backside of the county’s North Idaho College (NIC) satellite campus building to prohibit people from parking there and from pushing snow back there in the winter. These blocks will only be placed at the property line and they won’t block off parking areas that people normally park in, but the big issue is having to remove snow that keeps getting pushed there. The snow should flow to the drain if people stop doing that. The roof of the NIC building is now in good shape, according to Mr. Buckley. Mr. Buckley spoke of the damage the frost heave caused to the fascia rock on the front of the NIC building. The sidewalk raised two and one half inches and was putting pressure on the windows. The issue will be resolved once Mr. Buckley cuts this area of the building out and it should be a simple fix.

Mr. Buckley said he spoke to Fulton Construction about working on the details of their remodeling plan’s attachments to the armory building. The plans still need to be submitted to the Idaho National Guard. Mr. Buckley said there is still the need to figure out the duct work for the meeting room. Mr. Buckley said he got a call from County Public Information Office Mike Meier about a leak at the armory between his and the County Chief Probation Officer’s offices. There is a hydrant that runs through the wall that goes to the outside of the building. This is a regular garden faucet and if you don’t turn it off all the way, it drips and that is what is happening. Mr. Buckley said he cut a hole out of the wall to allow it to dry out so he will take the faucet out and patch the hole.

Clerk Poston said we need to plan on washing the exterior of the Courthouse. Clerk Poston said the other comments she has received is that it tends to get cold in the Courthouse in the afternoon to include the offices on the third floor. Mr. Buckley said Bailiff Ben Reinhardt is in charge of the thermostats in the court rooms. Mr. Buckley said earlier in the fall and spring time he had been turning the boiler off, but not lately.

The meeting with Mr. Buckley ended at 10:15 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

10:21 a.m., There being no further business, the meeting recessed until tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

***Tuesday, November 28, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Clerk Glenda, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

9:00 a.m., Commissioners held a public hearing to consider Planning and Zoning Application #17-135, an application regarding the status of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan and 2008 Comprehensive Plan map. Present were: Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser, Planning and Zoning Administrator John Moss, and member of the public, Marty Martinez. The hearing was recorded.

Chairman Dinning briefly reviewed the public hearing procedures and said the matter of conflict of interest does not apply as this is a legislative matter.

Chairman Dinning said the application is for a recommendation to retain both the 2008 Comprehensive Plan and the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Map. The following criteria will be considered: 1., was there a review of the current Comprehensive Plan and map to ensure conformity with public concerns, 2., was the public notified of hearings in a timely manner and 3., does the current recommendation meet the need to plan for future land use planning.

Commissioners opened the hearing to public testimony and asked for an opening statement from the applicant, which in this process is Boundary County Planning and Zoning Administrator John Moss, representing the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Mr. Moss said the application is based on a requirement in the county’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance that a complete review of the Comprehensive Plan be done every 10 years. The application was presented and after having talked with Commissioners, it was contingent on public comment and input concerning the Comprehensive Plan and map. As a result of that input from the meetings the Planning and Zoning Commission held, there was no public present and it was just members in attendance of the meetings so there were no comments or public input. There was adequate public notice, but no public response, according to Mr. Moss. We are here for the need of the 10 year review of the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Dinning said this was established by county ordinance and Idaho Code.

Mr. Moss said he presented a staff report, which recommends retention of the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan map. There was a suggestion to rename the Comprehensive Plan, map, ordinances, overlays, and fees in order for all of them to reflect the year 2018; so in this case that all of these instruments would all reflect the Comprehensive Plan date. Mr. Moss said this suggestion is spelled out in the staff report. The renaming convention was something intended to address the ordinance as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan, all overlays, etc., so they all represent the year of the Comprehensive Plan. If there is an amendment of the ordinance or overlay, it would still be 9B-18. The number 18 is to represent the year, then there is an identifier and finally a version 1, 2, etc. Mr. Moss said this information was passed on to County Civil Attorney Tevis Hull for review and he approved it and said it was consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan to be somewhat of a guide for the ordinance. Mr. Moss said the Comprehensive Plan is the vehicle the Planning and Zoning Commission is suggesting to retain, but would recommend changing its name, which is currently 2008-23 as that was the name given to the Comprehensive Plan as result of a resolution and the process of updating the plan 10 years ago. The existing name is 2008-23 and it was suggested the name change to “9B19 CP” and Comprehensive Plan map be called “9B18 CPM”, followed by “V1” to mean version 1.

Commissioners had no questions.

It was said the staff report includes the staff analysis. The Comprehensive Plan and ordinance were reviewed as per the requirements of updating the Comprehensive Plan map. The Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation to Commissioners to retain the Comprehensive Plan, or to repeal it and adopt a new plan or table this proposal. Mr. Moss said he has included the analysis the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes from August 17, 2017, which are highlighted in his report, and it represents the decision and discussion held by the Planning and Zoning Commission to retain the Comprehensive Plan and map. Mr. Moss said it’s based on this recommendation that he is presenting this information to Commissioners today.
Commissioners had no questions.

Chairman Dinning said he sees that the recommendation was unanimous and that one Planning and Zoning Commission member had been absent. Commissioners said this is now the time to accept public comment. There being no public comment hearing was closed to public testimony and Commissioners discussed the matter amongst themselves.

Chairman Dinning said he applauds the Planning and Zoning Commission for their efforts and there being no public input means the public was satisfied about something that is very workable for them. Mr. Moss said it is not perfect, but since there are no concerns, it was felt that if concerns do arise, there is a process for amendments.

There being no further comments Chairman Dinning called for a motion.

Commissioner Kirby moved, in accordance with Idaho Code and Section 18.2 of Boundary County’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, to adopt the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to retain the existing Comprehensive Plan, ordinance, land use map, and anything associated with the current Comprehensive Plan, with no changes other than renaming each. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.

The hearing regarding Application #17-135 to consider the Comprehensive Plan ended at 9:16 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

9:26 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 10:10 a.m. No action was taken.

Commissioners recessed until the next meeting scheduled for 10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m., City of Bonners Ferry Attorney Andrakay Pluid, City of Bonners Ferry Police Chief Vic Watson, City of Bonners Ferry Mayor David Sims, Sheriff Dave Kramer, and Chief Deputy Sheriff Rich Stephens joined the meeting to discuss the school resource officer program.

Sheriff Kramer said the purpose of this discussion is not to take away from partnerships or support of the school resource officer and he explained how he had helped in getting the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program restored in Boundary County. The school resource officer program is important for schools, according to Sheriff Kramer and he wants to be sure the Sheriff’s Office has constitutional jurisdiction in this program. It isn’t a request to change the program. Sheriff Kramer said as the county is participating in this program, he would like to see that involvement be more than just financial, such as being included in the decision making process. Sheriff Kramer said he would like to see the benefit to contribute and work with the city. Sheriff Kramer spoke of training opportunities such as the ALERRT training course that addresses an active shooter scenario, and he added that he would like to look at initially providing $4,000 of the $6,000 to the city for this program and use the remaining funds to send an officer and school resource officer to alert training. This is a train the trainer course so the officers who took this training can come back and train and integrate with Border Patrol, etc. Sheriff Kramer said he’s been building on that a little bit this year with certain courses and has partnered with a retired FBI officer and the city for integrating medical response for schools. There is also an expert on the use of force. The next important step is getting more people trained and the next training is in February. Costs for this training would involve lodging, travel and meals.

For a few years now, the city has been maintaining the school resource officer program and Sheriff Kramer said he would like to participate more in communication, not just financially, as the county has responsibility and jurisdiction to be involved. The county is not taking over, but the Sheriff’s Office would like to be more than just a financial position.

Chairman Dinning asked how long the training course is. It is one week at approximately 40 hours, according to Sheriff Kramer. Chairman Dinning asked about the DARE program and when it was originally set up. Sheriff Kramer said he recalls when DARE was set up as the city received a combined grant to start DARE. The school district started the school resource officer position in year 1999 and it was always a partnership even though the city was in the lead with the position. The group would meet and make decisions for the school resource officer as to what was beneficial or not, but it would be a common position. The Sheriff’s Office has been out of loop lately. Sheriff Kramer said there was a request made to no longer have the DARE in the school system, but that was before his time. Sheriff Kramer mentioned that he wants the Sheriff’s Office to participate more than just provide funds. The Sheriff’s Office would like to work with the city in supporting their school resource officer. Partnership is good, but Sheriff Kramer said he wonders if a memorandum of understanding (MOU) is needed from Commissioners that the county is not just a financial contributor and the Sheriff’s Office would like to provide input into decisions.

Sheriff Kramer said the county has been providing $6,000 to the city and that cost comes out of the general fund, not the Sheriff’s budget. The school resource officer is a city officer position and when it was formerly the DARE program there was joint oversight.

Attorney Pluid said the DARE program at the school district predates her, Chief Watson and Mayor Sims. The elimination of DARE was at the recommendation of the school district as they didn’t think the program was accomplishing what it was supposed to so efforts were to be redirected and the officer was to spend his or her time on school grounds due to increased drug and alcohol problems instead. Attorney Pluid said the DARE program has already fallen out of place across the nation, not just in Bonners Ferry.

Sheriff Kramer mentioned ALERRT training and said he has not taken this training course. Chief Deputy Sheriff Stephens said he has attended training on evaluating buildings for safety, which was to evaluate facilities to fortify against an incident.

Mayor Sims said he is pleased that Sheriff Kramer is interested in this program, but it’s really a change from the previous sheriff as the prior sheriff just wanted a financial agreement. The current agreement for the resource officer is between the school district and city so Sheriff Kramer may mean there will be a complete change and it’s not saying that a change is not a good thing, but it’s a complete change. Police Chief Watson said he feels he had a good working relationship with the prior and current sheriffs so with regard to the school resource officer, he doesn’t feel there are any inhibitors to working constructively together and moving forward as far as how the school resource officer works. Police Chief Watson mentioned that Sheriff Kramer has really good ideas and he has brought those ideas to him and he was receptive. Police Chief Watson said he has an open door to that and he keeps dialogue open as far as that position relates to the city and county. The county does have somewhat of a buy in as they contribute approximately 10% of the total budget for this program.

Attorney Pluid said the way that is most impactful at this point today is that the city has had an agreement with the school district for the last several years so there are contractual obligations the city has to fulfill. The city cannot obligate without discussing it with the school district representatives so the city cannot just drop and change without the school district’s approval as well as possibly a new MOU with the school if they go that way.

Sheriff Kramer said the city has an MOU, but the Sheriff’s Office has constitutional jurisdiction in the county and some of the funds for the school resource officer position are from the Kootenai Tribe. Sheriff Kramer said the reason for this meeting is not to change what is happening, but because he wants to be proactive and involved in the schools. It’s not just to give a check and not care what the program is doing. Sheriff Kramer said he does not want to micromanage, but he hasn’t been privy to some things so he just wants to have some input.

A question was asked as to what constitutional jurisdiction means. It was said the Office of the Sheriff is an elected position and schools don’t have jurisdiction outside of city limits, or within. Attorney Pluid said it was felt the priority for the school was inside city limits, primarily the high school. The school district doesn’t place priority of being at the elementary school.

Police Chief Watson said the county does have a seat at the table and he is dismayed that Sheriff Kramer feels he doesn’t have input, because he does. Police Chief Watson mentioned that interaction at school is paramount and he added that if Sheriff Kramer would like to go to the school board meetings and interact with the district at these meetings, he would be welcome. It was said that the Sheriff is not saying the system is broken; he’s just saying he wants more of an active role. Police Chief Watson said the Sheriff already has a seat at the table with regard to the school resource officer. The system is not broken and it’s felt it’s working just fine the way it is, but the city is certainly open to discussion, etc.

Chairman Dinning said funding from the county is approximately $6,000 and that goes to wages. Police Chief Watson said during the summer is when school related law enforcement training takes place. Contribution toward the school resource officer program consists of $30,000 from the school district, $6,000 from the county and the remainder is covered by the city. The Kootenai Tribe’s portion is through the school, according to Attorney Pluid adding that she isn’t sure how much the Tribe contributes. Commissioner Pinkerton said for clarification that currently the school is contributing $30,000 and the Kootenai Tribe contributes to arrive at the total of $30,000. The city covers the balance remaining. Sheriff Kramer said the city pays $6,000, the county pays $6,000, the school district contributes $30,000, and the city covers the benefits, etc. Chairman Dinning said overall the county provides 10% or less of that budget. Chairman Dinning said he is seeing that this is just a matter of communication and recognition and law enforcement can figure that out.

Commissioner Pinkerton said the school district is the customer and they contribute financially. The school district is an educational system and doesn’t know law enforcement issues, according to Commissioner Pinkerton. The city is dictating how this program works and the school district is making a decision where law enforcement is being instructed. The school district wants to focus on the high school so that makes other schools targets. Commissioner Pinkerton said the school district should have input as to priority, but law enforcement has to look at the entire criminal outlook. There needs to be a panel that has ownership for the good of the county, not just kids of the county. This would warrant having a mixed board to have a broader view. The school board wants to say they have protection for the kids. Commissioner Pinkerton said everyone is on the right page.

Police Chief Watson said for clarification that at his direction, the school resource officer spends time at Valley View Elementary, the middle school as well as other schools, but almost 100% of the case load is generated from the high school. Police Chief Watson said he does patrol other schools and makes contact with principals, etc., so he is not specifically locked down to the high school. Other schools are visited as well, but more time is spent at the high school as that is where the genesis of his cases are. The school resource officer is directed to visit other schools. Police Chief Watson said he doesn’t feel the other schools are left vulnerable, because you cannot say which school is or is not targeted. Attorney Pluid said the administration at the high school said to spend as much time as possible at the high school due to drug usage. Attorney Pluid added that the way the MOU functions is that the school resource officer is at the direction of Police Chief Watson so there are instructions from him, not from the school district superintendent, but of course it’s influenced by the school district informing the city what activity they are seeing. Police Chief Watson said the city does the best it can. The high school is within city limits, but most students are from out in the county. We want to do the best for the students and the city struggles with constantly thinking of new and better ways to protect kids at school. Police Chief Watson said after the incident at Columbine, law enforcement just went nuclear on active shooter scenarios and the city has trained for these incidents. ALERRT training is the newest, greatest and best model of training that has come out. The city is using medical and fire resources in scenarios and is integrating new aspects. The school resource officer is training for the active shooter situation, but all officers train for that. Police Chief Watson mentioned trying to find out when the next ALERRT training course that is going to be offered closer geographically.

Sheriff Kramer said he feels a train the trainer course is more beneficial since the officer who took the course can come back and host a training session that is not just for the two departments, but also offer the course to the Forest Service, the Kootenai Tribe, Border Patrol, etc., so they can have the same line of thinking in a scenario. Getting another drug canine again to help the school resource officer was mentioned as was hiring a drug expert. Chairman Dinning asked if Border Patrol has this training and if they have an instructor for this. Chief Watson said he thinks there is a website that lists who the trainers are, but he’s not sure about the ALERRT training. Sheriff Kramer said the advantage of having an in-house trainer is to be able to train new officers so that is how he sees this training as a benefit as opposed to bringing in an outside trainer. It will be a skillset to keep the community and officers safer, according to Sheriff Kramer. Mayor Sims asked about cost for this training. Sheriff Kramer said it depends on a grant he would like to apply for. If it includes lodging, meals, and airfare, the cost could be $1,000 per person for two people.

Attorney Pluid said to clarify, $6,000 has already been committed by the county. Sheriff Kramer reiterated that he would like the Sheriff’s Office to be seen as a partner. Attorney Pluid said in the next year if it’s determined to be a priority for the school resource officer, there can be discussion on how the $6,000 is proportioned, but this year the budget for this program is set a certain way. This year the city cannot commit $2,000 of the budget to ALERRT training because the city has already accounted for how the funds will be designated. The $6,000 from the county comes out of the general fund, according to Clerk Poston. Clerk Poston said in the past, Sheriff Sprungl had requested to present the check for this program and the check was always presented in an assembly at the school. Clerk Poston said it sounds wonderful that the entities would work together. Commissioner Kirby said it seems like this involves a bunch of good guys and the DARE program that was started went away so an MOU is needed to do this. Having a group of people to rewrite this MOU would be good. Everyone has new plans they have in mind so more thought and discussion from the city, county and school district into putting together a new MOU would be good. If the program requires more funding, that could probably be done. Commissioner Kirby said everyone wants to do the right thing so go do the right thing and let Commissioners know. Commissioner Kirby said he certainly wouldn’t say no to anything they come up with. Commissioner Pinkerton said he agrees, but this year with budgets and the MOU, it’s good to operate as is. Commissioner Pinkerton said we now have a sheriff who wants to be involved and wants responsibility. Commissioner Pinkerton added that when it comes to schools, investigations and narcotics, it will be a constant and his biggest concern is hearing on the news the 30 people who were killed in a shooting and how law enforcement got there. Commissioner Pinkerton said when you’re in a school with an active shooter, a lot of that training goes away when that happens so he thinks you can never get enough training.

Sheriff Kramer said he requested the meeting as the Sheriff’s Office is concerned and doesn’t want to just give someone else control and he was aware that the county had participated before. Police Chief Watson said since he has been with the city, almost four years now, he has not been a part of a ceremony where funds were presented and he is not opposed to that, but didn’t know there was a precedent for it as he hasn’t seen it. Commissioner Kirby said that’s what he means…there are lots of good things. Police Chief Watson said when he told Sheriff Kramer that he wasn’t interested in a photo opportunity as it pertains to presenting the funds for this program, his thinking was that it just shouldn’t be done without having the Kootenai Tribe and school district present as well; not just the city and county for a photo opportunity. Sheriff Kramer said it wasn’t just money contributors. It was said the Sheriff’s Office is not just a financial contributor as they also have an investment in the schools and wants to be active in what happens in the schools as it is high on their list to protect them. Police Chief Watson said he never felt the Sheriff’s Office wasn’t a partner in this and it goes without saying. Police Chief Watson he never felt the city was being exclusive, but if so, he wants to apologize.

Mayor Sims said he welcomes the change and the Sheriff’s Office dedication to the schools. Chief Deputy Sheriff Stephens asked about the MOU. Mayor Sims said the last MOU was signed in May, but the school district’s fiscal year is different so it might be May or June of 2018 when the next MOU is to be signed. Sheriff Kramer said his office just got four reserves through level 2 training and he added that he just wants it to be understood that his office is a partner and not just financially.

Clerk Poston said she had just automatically budgeted $6,000 for this program as she has not had anyone requesting more or less, but it sounds like forming a team is everyone’s wish. If someone is looking for additional support for this program, she has not received any letters requesting that so she would like a bit more information about this.

The meeting to discuss the school resource officer program ended at 11:17 a.m.

Sheriff Kramer and Chief Deputy Sheriff Stephens remained after the meeting in order to discuss a personnel matter.

Commissioner Pinkerton moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)b, to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Commissioner Kirby second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye” and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. The executive session ended at 11:25 a.m. No action was taken.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

DAN R. DINNING, Chairman

By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk

Friday, January 12, 2018 - 15:15
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